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Auto Ramblings


Monday, January 22, 2007

On The Road Again

by Lloyd Frazier

My posts are probably going to be a little slim on content for a couple of weeks. I am currently in Michigan for some technical training for my full-time gig. Then my family and I are loading up the moving van and heading to Colorado. Seems like a really crazy thing to do since all the heavy snow fall there.

Man, here I am in auto americana heaven and I don't even have time to visit some good auto museums. I just heard the news that Michigan is really fighting for their survival. The state has been trying to build a new industrial presence by luring high-tech industries. Hopefully, it will offset all the jobs lost due to massive layoffs by the Big Three over the last several years. Just when there was promise in the bio-medical industry, Pfizer, a large employer here in the state, just announced it will be laying off 10,000 people. Three research sites in Michigan will be shutting down putting hundreds out of work. I pray that Michigan will be able to start the steady climb out the hole very soon.

Michigan will make a comeback, you just wait and see. If folks like you and I start buying more American made products like automobiles, we can really make a difference. God bless America and the institutions that make it great.

Lloyd signing out...

Saturday, January 20, 2007

What Cops Do When We Aren't Paying Attention

Just for fun!
Check This out...

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Winding Road Online Magazine

by Lloyd Frazier

Taken directly from a Wikpedia.org entry:

David E. Davis, Jr. is an automobile journalist and magazine publisher. His career in the automotive industry spanned from race car driver, factory worker and car salesman to ad salesman with Road & Track and copywriter for Corvette advertisements before becoming a writer for Car and Driver magazine in 1962. He wrote for that publication until 1967 and later became its editor and publisher from 1976 to 1985 before leaving to found Automobile magazine. During this time, his "Driver's Seat" columns for Car and Driver, and "American Driver" columns for Automobile, became wildly popular and influential in the industry. Time magazine called Davis the "dean of automotive journalists." He is also the editorial director of Motor Trend magazine. He has been semi-retired from day-to-day operations on Automobile since 2000, and continues to serve as editorial director of Motor Trend. In 1985, during a 60 Minutes special report on the Lamborghini Countach, he said "I believe that anyone who is worth their salt should drive a V12 once before they die." A statement that mirrored his earnest appreciation, at times even for the ridiculous, for great automobiles.

Mr. Davis is now Editor-in-Chief of Winding Road an e-zine for high-performance vehicles. It is published by Absolute Multimedia, Inc. of Austin, Texas, publishers of 'The Absolute Sound' and 'The Perfect Vision.'

That being the segue into what this blog entry is about...the Winding Road Magazine. An online subscription to Winding Road Magazine
is available for free. You just need to sign up with an email address. Go to www.windingroad.com to get your free, three year subscription. I just read some fantastic articles in it this morning. You can download it into pdf form or read it online. I read it online and it was very enjoyable. They use a nice online reader format that I have not seen used on any other site. There is embedded multi-media in it as well. I first learned of David E. Davis while viewing an episode of Autoline Detroit with John McElroy. He seems to be a very interesting character since I share his passion for automobiles. I would like to think that I would have been in a similar position as him had I chosen to take the same career path. Actually, I wish I had taken a different career path. I'm closing on the mid-century mark. Maybe it isn't too late to do something I really love in the fall/winter seasons of life. Go check out the site. I highly recommend it.

Lloyd signing out...

Monday, January 15, 2007

Willie Nelson - Bio-diesel and Biowilly

by Lloyd Frazier

Have you read about bio-diesel and the impact it could have on lessening the dependence on foreign oil? Willie Nelson is doing something about it. He and Morgan Freeman joined forces with Earth Biofuels. They joined the company as both spokesmen and members of the board of directors. Earth Biofuels acquired exclusive license to sell and distribute Biowilly branded fuels. I stumbled upon this story that apparently has been ongoing for a couple of years. Truckers can fill 'er up on bio-diesel in several states. Biodiesel refers to a diesel-equivalent, processed fuel derived from biological sources such as vegetable oils, which can be used in unmodified diesel-engined vehicles. It is thus distinguished from the straight vegetable oils (SVO) waste vegetable oils (WVO) used as fuels in some modified diesel vehicles. BioWillie is a high-quality biodiesel exclusively branded under the legendary performer Willie Nelson's name that is made in America and grown by family farmers. BioWillie is blended with regular diesel fuel at a 20 percent ratio of bio-diesel to petroleum diesel, creating a B20 blend. Some of you may think that this hullabaloo over bio-diesel is a tree-hugger subject. I am here to tell you that is not the case. We, as Americans, need to start doing our part and taking steps to wean ourselves from foreign sources of oil. This is a first major undertaking to do just that. In fact, it has the attention of state and federal governments. The National Biodiesel Board is a great place to start to "read more about it."

Finally, did you know our country has the largest oil reserve in the world. It is in the form of oil shale and is located in Colorado. Check this video out...

Upwards of a million barrels an acre, a billion barrels a square mile. And the oil shale formation in the Green River Basin, most of which is in Colorado, covers more than a thousand square miles - the largest fossil fuel deposits in the world. Makes you wonder why we keep screaming the "sky is falling!" Political power maybe? Hmmmmm.

Lloyd signing out...

Friday, January 12, 2007

Stoner Video - Spray Can Cap Sculpture

by Lloyd Frazier

I ran across this really cool video of a group of people making a car sculpture out of Stoner Product spray can caps.

What the heck. I am feeling generous today. Here comes a free plug on some auto detailing products. I use Stoner products in my auto detail business. I really like the Trim Shine vinyl-plastic-rubber protectant. It is really great on exterior plastic, vinyl and rubber. Just make sure you get the surface good and clean and remove any residual wax that may be present. Spray a couple of coats for a nice sheen that will last a few weeks in most cases. You don't have to wipe it after spraying. After the initial application, future applications go on lighter for maintenance of the sheen. It is one of the best products for that application that I have found. Invisible Glass is amazing on glass and mirrors. It is the best glass cleaner I have ever used. Usually you need a couple of applications to get off the really bad film and grime. Then just do a maintenance cleaning every time you wash your vehicle. My wife uses it for all her household glass cleaning. She is hooked. It blows away the other household glass cleaners. You can find it at your local Target store in the auto section. I get my other Stoner stuff from Danase.com. The people over at Danase are awesome. Do me a favor and go check them out at www.danase.com. Try out the Danase Speed Shine detailing spray. I goes on easy and leaves a nice slick feeling to your vehicle's paint. Tell them that Lloyd sent you!

Lloyd signing out...

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

GM claims Toyota has more pull in Washington DC

by Lloyd Frazier

I hate to say I told you so. Even the US Government snubs our own. How soon we forget the history behind WWII and all the sacrifices this country made to get through it. The almighty buck speaks loudly in Washington D.C. Click on the title of this blog, read and weep.

Lloyd signing out...

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Bold Moves - Ford's Legacy on Video

by Lloyd Frazier

If you have been an avid reader of this blog, you will come to realize that we as Americans have a responsibility to take an active part in our economy. One of those responsibilities is to make a concerted effort to buy American products that suit your needs and desires. Don't buy on price alone. I know what you are thinking. I have thought the same thing before. You are thinking, "But Lloyd, if the American companies put out a good product at an affordable price and the quality is excellent, then of course I would buy them." Exactly! I am specifically talking about automobiles in this blog, but my philosophy extends to all consumer goods.

When it comes to cars, trucks, vans, SUVs, etc., when was the last time you seriously took a look at GM, Ford or Chrysler? The quality is there right under our noses. And as far as gas mileage is concerned, make sure to take a closer look. Most are only 2 or 3 mpg different than the Asian market. Most MPG ratings are relative to the testing environment in which they were measured anyway.

Getting back to the story at hand...I ran across an amazing, informative website that Ford put together about their ups and downs. Stop! I know what you are thinking! How can a corporate website be informative or honest and candid? You will be surprised.

Take a look at episode 1...CLICK HERE

I am not an economist. I am not an expert in any automotive field. I do software application implementations in my full-time career. I am not paid for what I write in my blog. I would eventually like to drum up a little monetary compensation from this blog in the near future but that is a subject for another post ;-). I do this because I feel passionate about keeping the American automobile heritage alive and well in the good 'ol USA!

Get off the couch and quit reading, listening, and viewing all the foreign auto propaganda. Go out, breath some fresh air and test drive a Ford, a Chevy, a Dodge, or any of the other American brands that brings a sense of nostalgia to you from your past childhood experiences. There is a new American Revolution happening right under your noses. Go out and be a part of it!

Lloyd, signing out....

Monday, January 08, 2007

Ford is in Sync with iPods!

This is the coolest thing coming down the pike from none other than Ford Motor Company.
Sync is a Windows Mobile based music system that allows you to connect multimedia devices to it such as iPod, Zune, Thumb Drives, etc. It even has voice activation and internet media streaming capability. Check this video out...

This is now available for the Ford Edge. I saw a black Ford Edge with a nice wheels package in my local Ford dealer lot a couple of days ago. What a great looking vehicle. Good job FoMoCo!

Lloyd signing out...

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Target Practice

This is one way to let out your frustrations on a bad day....

What I wouldn't give to be able to do this to an old Opel Kadet I had in high school. What a piece of junk that was!

Have fun viewing....Lloyd...signing out!


Toyota Tax Troubles

by Lloyd Frazier

I just read an article at Autoblog stating that Toyota has under reported income and is liable for 2 Billion Yen in back taxes. Will this ever hit the big news headlines in the U.S.? Don't hold your breath! It is doubtful that it will become big news. It would, of course, be huge news if GM, Ford, or Chrysler did the same thing...even if it was on a smaller scale.

Why is it that the domestic news agencies turn their cheeks when the Asian automakers do something questionable but salivate at the opportunity to slam the US automobile manufacturers? The Asian automobile design, in my opinion, is so homogeneous. I grant you that the 80's were not a good decade for auto design and quality for the US. Look at the awesome design and quality that now prevails in GM, Ford and Chrysler lineup. When will they get credit for producing great products? Maybe it is sameness and predictability that keeps the newspaper and television reporters in their comfort zones.

Oh, how I long for more retro-styling to be incorporated into future models of Chevys, Fords and Dodges. Just look at how popular the new 'Stang is. Wait until the new Camaro and Challenger come out within the next couple of years. I hope for a renaissance for the US auto manufacturers. We need more Harley Earl's for the beautiful 50's and 60's designs at GM. George Walker and his team for the design of the Ford Thunderbird. And who can forget Zora Arkus-Duntov who was the inspiration for the Chevrolet Corvette. Yes, it is time for the re-birth of American ingenuity!

Lloyd....signing out.
