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Auto Ramblings


Friday, January 20, 2006

The New Detroit

It is both intriguing and frightening to see what is happening to the world's industries. China is taking part in another industry hijacking.
"China's southwestern Chongqing Municipality plans to invest 50 billion yuan (US$6.2 billion) on its automotive industry and expects an annual output of 1.5 million vehicles in five years, China Business News reported today." - Shanghaidaily.com.
China just took over the number two spot away from Japan in the auto manufacturing segment. Is this going to be a another wake up call to our car manufacturers? Remember when the Japanese product began pouring into the US in the late 70's? That forced the Big Three to start looking at their quality issues. Fit and finish were at all time lows for US built cars. American drivers were demanding more fuel efficient, quality economical cars and the Japanese filled the need. The tide seems to be going that direction once again. Although, I believe we are doing a very good job on the quality issue. We just need to look at the fuel efficiency again. People are turning away from the big gas guzzling SUVs. What will the consuming public do when automobiles from China start pouring into the showroom floors and competing side-by-side? The market is very crowded with good quality products form all over the world. The only thing Chinese cars will have going for them will be price. The America companies that will be selling these cars will be the Wal-Mart of car dealerships. The Wal-Mart trend is starting to saturate and level off. American's are starting to rethink their consuming ways. It isn't very "Politically Correct" to buy cheap, low quality goods that are going to be disposed of in a short time and add to our already overflowing landfills. We are starting to keep our beloved cars longer. The American car consumer wants a good quality car or truck that is going to stay in their garage much longer than it did 20 years ago. Good value AND quality are the industry monikers now and far into the future. I shall step up onto my 'Made in the USA' soapbox again and shout....WAKE UP AMERICA! Make a concerted effort to buy American made goods. 'Made in the USA' means jobs, a thriving economy and a future for our children and grandchildren.

Lloyd signing out....May God Continue to Bless America!


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