Ford Sounds the Rally Cry
By Lloyd Frazier
Those of you who are regular readers of this blog know that my battle cry is to “Buy American Cars.” The US automobile manufacturers and all supporting industries need to put some skin in the game as well. What kind of example do the American Workers, who are also American Consumers, set when they drive to work and park their foreign vehicles in the lots of the very companies that provide them a standard of living?
Ford Motor Company has set a new policy at their new Dearborn Truck plant.
“Plant manager Rob Webber delivered a blunt message to workers at Ford Motor Co.'s Dearborn Truck factory this week: If you work at Ford, you better drive a Ford. Otherwise, park across the street and walk.” -- Bryce G. Hoffman / The Detroit News
The meat of the message is to be a team player or suffer a compromise, as trivial as it may be. Jerry Sullivan, president of United Auto Workers Local 600, which represents some 2,600 workers at the plant, supports this new policy. "Everybody's in this together. (We need) to buy the products we make and support the company,” states Mr. Sullivan. This is nothing new. The UAW has been known to post handbills on non-Ford vehicles in parking lots in the past. Foreign vehicles have been vandalized.
There are some negative repercussions to this kind of action, though. Disgruntled employees complaining that the company is telling them what to do in their private lives. In a town hall meeting to discuss this new policy, the place “erupted into applause.”
I agree with the company’s stance on this policy. Times have changed. The US auto industry is not what it used to be. It is time that we American’s start to change the way we use our purchasing power. No, it’s not being isolationist to have that attitude. Besides, tariffs are heavy for our products overseas. The new world economy isn’t exactly open and fair on both sides of the proverbial fence. There are still a lot of hurdles to overcome before our trade deficits start to decline. In the meantime, I close with my usual mantra…BUY AMERICAN!
Lloyd…signing out.